Click on the vote button as shown below.
Fill the details regarding your vote application.
Application Name – Should have 4-9 characters.
Application Description- Give a proper description about your application and its purpose because it will be easier for admin to approve your app quickly.
Select a Short Code from the given list and enter a Keyword.
Keyword must be a simple unique term which doesn’t already exist.
Voting Campaign Settings
Candidate Code – Unique identification for the candidate.
Description – Most probably the name of the candidate. Might vary depending on your Voting Application.
You can add more candidates by clicking '+Add another candidate' button.
Enable 'Only One Allow One Vote Per Mobile Number' toggle button if you don’t accept multiple votes from the same number.
General Settings
Application Validity Duration – If your Contact Application is limited for a certain period of time, enable the 'Expiration date required?' toggle button and specify the expiry date.
Response Settings
If automatic response required, enable the toggle button to yes.
Add a creative response message .
If you need to send current results with the Response, you should enable the toggle button.
Charging Settings
Charging Configuarations – The above mentioned details are set by default.
The provided details will be displayed as shown below.
Re -check the details you have entered, modify any changes and click Submit.